
A villa in the South of France is the perfect home for a pair of owls, boxing hares and a mouse on a swing.

Nestled in the hills above Cannes, lies a magnificent villa with an owner who knows what she wants when it comes to commissioning unique garden sculpture.

As part of a property and landscape refurbishment, I was asked by my client for help in adorning the vast garden property initially with my swinging mouse sculpture. As the project developed, we discussed other pieces both new and existing that would compliment this beautiful Mediterranean garden. In the Summer of 2019 I delivered and installed three pieces that created a statement and reflected the character of the client.



My swinging mouse is situated under a large oak tree adjacent to the new orchard, made by hand from resin as a bronze piece would be too heavy for the tree to support. 

He is clearly enjoying himself as he's on the backswing and looks like he never wants it to end. I use a tensile wire attached to a tree behind  to suspended him in the air. Mechanical lifts were hired for me to install with safety and to ensure the trees were fully protected.


These bronze pugilists stand upon the dry-stone wall at the entrance of the property beyond the iron gates. These individual pieces are locked into a strong metal structure to ensure rigidity and safety. Each bronze is part of an edition of nine and signed by myself.  


As you approach the controlled black iron gates to the property, the two owls look down at you – one with an outstretched wing, welcoming you into the grounds. Both are adorned with diamante eyes, they twinkle at you if you arrive at night, catching your headlights bringing the pieces to life. Owls are a particular favourite of my client and we both think this was the perfect location for them.

The client and I will be exploring new pieces for other areas of the grounds – watch this space.

To commission me for a future sculpture project, click here to see what is entailed and to start a conversation.

Installation Views